Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Elder Draper's Letter

Hey All,

The weather here continues to be very hot making some days long and sleeping difficult so I think I just might dive right into that snow outside SLC International when I get home.  Never thought I would actually appreciate it funny how we take small things for granite right!

So we had our baptism last Saturday for our little Morena all of 10 with a heart full of excitement to be baptized.  She literally skipped into the waters of baptism, unlike anything I have ever seen and it was a priceless moment for all those who attended.  She is the granddaughter of a recent convert and although she is young she is very smart and will be a great example to those around her always!  I let Elder Reyna perform the baptism as he was equally as excited!

Transfers will be this week so I am not expecting any major change there but we will see, seems I travel quiet well here in Argentina according to my reflections in my journal, however I would not have changed one area for the world.  If there’s one thing I have come to know while on my Mission it is that no matter where you are in this life there is always opportunities to reach out to others who are in need.  It may be spiritually, physically or even a shoulder to lean on, but those souls are out there amongst us every day, everywhere, if you just look closely beyond the surface into the heart and sometimes that can be a challenge when they don’t even realize they themselves are lost.  The Breppe family continue to be so kind to us and I love visiting them as their home is filled with a peacefulness of the spirit and there is always love and laughter found there!   

I am waiting to hear all the news about Elder Palmer’s homecoming, I know how close you and his family have become over the last two years of our Mission.  I am anxious to meet them as well and I know that anyone’s lives that you enter Mom are truly blessed by your presence you just have that knack!

Thanks for sending the last of my request on a short note I really needed them.  You should finding out what the family wants to bring back and let me know ASAP as I just can’t seem to keep ahead of the days left here!  I look once on the calendar there they are and then look again and they are gone it is crazy!  If we miss something though we can always pick it up when we come back for Romina’s wedding in August.  She made me promise when I left Merlo I would return and I am grateful that Dad has planned that reunion for us, thanks Dad!

Well not a lot more to say at this time just working like crazy to finish strong here and bring all those unto Christ that I can with the time I have remaining.  I know there is much more to do here but I am confident with the new Missionaries arriving each transfer that the work is being left in good hands.  It is amazing to watch them as they are introduced into their new areas and  join their new Companions,  it takes me back to those days here when I first arrived, what along way I have come and yet still have to go as the work does not end here!   

Know that I love you all dearly and hold you close in my prayers daily!  Lyn’s and Wyatt stay true to who you are and the things you stand for as you continue to head into that gray “Zone” of finding yourselves in the “TEENS”, well Lyn’s you been there awhile I guess and are doing a great job just keep it up!  Wyatt I will see you shortly after your 13th birthday so guess I will be there soon after.



Elder Wade Draper