As always I hope everyone had a wonderful week last week, oh and HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!!!!
Hope everyone is having an awesome long weekend just living the good life with lots of BBQ;)
Our interviews this week were awesome too! President and I had like really probably one of the best interviews and we talked about some awesome things and just how much progression that I have had in the mission! We also had an interview with the Hermana Carter and I always love having a conversation with the Hermana Carter! She is so fun to talk to! That conversation was about the mission and how it really prepares us as a person for life in general and like never knowing what could happen next but just handling it head on like here in the Mission. It was just an awesome day!
We had lunch with Marina this past week as well, and she made and unreal Bolivian soup, "zuppa de mani", which is Peanut soup! It was absolutely soooo gooood!!!! Definitely something I need to learn how to make! She she is doing very good and is just so dang nice! She bought us some really nice scarfs and jackets, because she says it's getting colder and wants us warm, and like after every visit she sends us home with like 2 bags of food usually warm, she is really just the best!
We are also still working with Eduardo our baptism for June! The poor guy he gets really nervous in Church, because whenever some quotes or mentions a scripture he feels like he has to find it in that very moment and he still doesnt know the Book of Mormon very well, but we are trying to work with him and not let him get discouraged, he really is just an awesome guy as well!
But in other news..... There was a big old celebration this past weekend in Argentina the 25th of MAY, the day of revolution! woo!!!! Lots of fireworks and everyone eats LOCRO, and it's pretty good!!!! Its a soup of... cow stomache, cow intestine, corn, beans, and lots of other vegetables, believe it or not I absolutely loved it! I was especially stoked that I got to eat it that evening because on that particular day our lunch was not locro... so I was kind of bummed... but Heavenly Father seeing fit came through with our last visit of the day. Luz, the mom of a member, made us little take home bowels of Locro YAAA, and it was sooo good! Another must make when I get home! =)
But yea.. basically that was my week in a nutshell nothing off the hook or anything but still working hard as ever to find those seeking along the way!
Hope everyone back home is doing good! Missin yall so much!
Stay classy kids, same time next week?
Your Stormn' Mormon
Elder Wade Draper