Monday, April 01, 2013



Hola, Hola, Hola,

Long time no talk right? HA  Well alot has happened since we last talked... like.. I got transferred, yep, super shock to me as well since I only had 2 transfers in Virrey del Pino!


I found out Tuesday night that I was getting transferred, and I was super bummed, because I only got to say goodbye to like 2 people, the Juarez family who came come to our apartment to say goodbye, and I called Alina and told her she was super sad.  She talked like the whole Remis ride on the phone, but ya, yet another slam dunk packing experience. 

I always love going to transfer meetings and seeing everyone, it's like a big reunion.  I got to see all my old friends from back in the day like Elder Wilson, Hermana Pasquale, Elder Young, and others.

When the transfer video started and it came to Virrey, Elder Bustamante got a Mini Missionary (which is like a kid who lives in the mission and wants to live the mission life for a little bit) so looks like he's getting out of English 101 again! HAHA I was wondering what the heck, is there a new area that hasn't even been on the radar cause I wasn't seeing anything of that awesome Elder Draper popping up, did he go home or what?  Nope there, at the tail end, Boop, I appeared, and the Elders' went nuts. I have a lot of support here these days, especially at transfers what a great place to take it all in whatever it is that is coming! Well there I was heading to Ciudadela with Elder Caceres, what really, that Brazilian Comp I have waited for, what a BONUS however he leaves April 20th because Brazil has a law that if you are gone for over 2 years you are no longer considered a citizen. YIKES Elder Caceres is a short little round Brazilian, and he is way cool, lots of fun to be with, I love being his companion.  He loves Gaga, so ya it was meant to be! It will be sad to see him part though really soon on April 20th so I have 3 weeks to learn the area! However if things go how I want then I will become a Trainer at that point.   

As I mentioned, the downside of transfers is packing, because I have so much stuff, don't know where it came from (wink) but it's all here now! LOL  We also got new banking cards so that was exciting, mine was getting worn, not that I shop a lot the machines here are like shredders and like to chomp on the cards!

It was a bummer on at first realizing leaving Virrey as that meant I would miss my baptisms and the much anticipated Talent Show.  Alina told me "It's  only going to be a show because the Talent is leaving, our little Pop Star is needed in another part of Buenos Aires, but the show must go on" she was praying whoever took my place could carry a note! LOL



So here I am "In The House" in Ciudadela, our apartment is super nice, like one of the best in the mission! We have an amazing view of the city of Ramos Mejia and its like a New York pent house compared to where I have lived in the past, well that is if you call a washing machine in the building living the high life, it is to me! LOL Everything we need i.e. shopping is pretty to here. 

There are four us of and we live with 2 other Elders, Elder Slone from Florida and Elder Bracken from Arizona they are super great Missionaries as well! I chose the floor as to the bunk bed which I will move to as it gets colder, but I love the view for now I haven't seen this much city action since I got here, I almost forgot what electricity in building looks like at night! HA We have to take a bus into our area, very ghetto and at first I was super intimidated by it as it is said to be one of the most dangerous places in the Mission/World but hey if that's not a challenge I'm down for that!  There is a giant like apartment complex thing, I don't know how to explain it, its like something from a post-apocolyptic movie, we call it El Fuerte just across from our apartment. 


On Thursday I got to go on a division because Elder Caceres went on the tour for the Pastores in Capital, so I went with Elder Hall to his area because his Mini Missionary didn't arrive to the transfer meeting, it was just easily one of the best days, Elder Hall is absolutely hilarious, we have like the same exact sense of humor, yet we are both just absorbed in the work here!


I was fortunate to baptize an elderly lady named Lydia  as the man who was suppose to baptize Lydia bailed at the last minute... soooo I was there to save the day, or that's what I was told!  I ended up baptizing Lydia! She is super nice and she loved her baptism as I love rejoicing in her joy as a new member. 



I also baptized Roxana the same day,  Each member and the experiences I have with them are priceless!!!  I am super excited to work in this new area, and see what adventures await me!!!!




Well tell Grams her card will be sent on Weds as everything here is closed until Thurday since last Thursday for semana santa.  Also mom. Riley is going on a Mish too, so send details as they unfold and see what's up with Brelynn's call think it will be there this week call SIster Bromley she didn't show up on email today so I am sure she is a wreck waiting on pins and needles this week! 

que el futuro de la roca (Gonna ROCK THE FUTURE)~~~

Elder Wade Draper