Tuesday, January 07, 2014
Mi lección de esta semana a la primaria fue acerca del bautismo y compartí esta lección de la enseña, disfrutar porque se aplica a todos:
El Señor ha dicho que "el campo es blanco ya para la siega" para contemplar el campo es blanco ya para la siega; y, el que thrusteth su hoz con su fuerza, la misma exaltada en la tienda que no perece, pero trae la salvación para su alma; (D & C 4:4). Su cosecha es gente humilde que han estado buscando respuestas a sus preguntas sobre la vida y la muerte y que están dispuestos a escuchar el Evangelio de Jesucristo. Misioneros trabajan duro para que puedan encontrar y enseñar como muchas de estas personas como sea posible.
Cada año, hay al menos una cosecha. En algunas partes del mundo, es tiempo de cosecha ahora. Los vegetales verdes, frutas jugosas y granos sanos, que han ido creciendo durante meses en buena tierra y la luz del sol, son maduros y listos para la cosecha. Los agricultores y jardineros trabajan duro para que todo se puede recolectar y no se pierde nada.
El Presidente Gordon B. Hinckley ha pedido a toda la iglesia miembros para ayudar con la obra misional. Él dijo: "Ojalá yo pudiera despertar en el corazón de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña... el consumir gran deseo de compartir el Evangelio con los demás. Si tienes que vivir mejor, intenta hacer sus vidas más ejemplar [ser mejores ejemplos para los demás] porque sabes que las enseñas no creerá si no copia lo que dices por la bondad de sus vidas."
Cuando intenta vivir una vida mejor y guardar los mandamientos, suceden muchas cosas. Muestra su disposición a obedecer el Consejo del Profeta. También demuestras que amas padre celestial y Jesucristo. El Salvador enseñó, "el que tiene mis mandamientos y los guarda es el que Me ama; y el que Me ama será amado por mi padre, y yo le amaré y me revelará a él.(John 14:21). Te preparas para ir al templo y servir en una misión cuando mantienes los mandamientos. Usted es ejemplar, un maravilloso ejemplo a otros que ver y que quieren aprender acerca de la iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos.
Durante la época de cosecha, como el campesino que ha trabajado en los campo los misioneros sirviendo a una misión de tiempo completo puede ver los frutos de su labor. Como usted han trabajado arduamente para elegir el derecho. ¿Cuál es tu cosecha? Sus amigos y familiares han notado su buen ejemplo y quieren venir a la iglesia con usted. El obispo está feliz porque usted califica para una recomendación, si eres un miembro bautizado de la iglesia, para ir a la dedicación de un templo. Y padre celestial se complace porque has demostrado tu amor por guardar sus mandamientos. Como continúa a guardar los mandamientos, se continúan muchas cosechas.
Tienen una gran semana todos.
El élder Wade Draper
My lesson this week to the Primary was on Baptism and so I shared this lesson from the Ensign, enjoy for it applies to all:
The Lord has said that “the field is white already to harvest” For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;(D&C 4:4). His harvest is humble people who have been searching for answers to their questions about life and death and who are ready to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Missionaries work hard so that they can find and teach as many of these people as possible.
Every year, there is at least one harvest time. In some parts of the world, it is harvest time now. Green vegetables, juicy fruits, and healthy grains, which have been growing for months in good soil and sunlight, are ripe and ready for harvesting. Farmers and gardeners work hard so that everything can be gathered and nothing is lost.
President Gordon B. Hinckley has asked all Church members to help with missionary work. He said, “I wish I could awaken in the heart of every man, woman, boy, and girl … the great consuming desire to share the gospel with others. If you do that you live better, you try to make your lives more exemplary [be better examples for others] because you know that those you teach will not believe unless you back up what you say by the goodness of your lives.”
When you try to live a better life and keep the commandments, a number of things happen. You show your willingness to obey the prophet’s counsel. You also show that you love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The Savior taught, "He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.”(John 14:21). You prepare to go to the temple and to serve a mission when you keep the commandments. You are exemplary, a wonderful example to others who watch you and who want to learn about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
During Harvest time, like the farmer who has worked in the field Missionaries serving a full-time mission can see the fruits of their labor. They like you have worked hard to choose the right. What is your harvest? Your friends and family members have noticed your good example and want to come to church with you. Your bishop is happy because you qualify for a recommend, if you are a baptized member of the Church, to go to a temple dedication. And Heavenly Father is pleased because you have shown your love by keeping His commandments. As you continue to keep the commandments, you shall continue to have many harvests.
Have a great week all.
Elder Wade Draper
My lesson this week to the Primary was on Baptism and so I shared this lesson from the Ensign, enjoy for it applies to all:
The Lord has said that “the field is white already to harvest” For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;(D&C 4:4). His harvest is humble people who have been searching for answers to their questions about life and death and who are ready to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Missionaries work hard so that they can find and teach as many of these people as possible.
Every year, there is at least one harvest time. In some parts of the world, it is harvest time now. Green vegetables, juicy fruits, and healthy grains, which have been growing for months in good soil and sunlight, are ripe and ready for harvesting. Farmers and gardeners work hard so that everything can be gathered and nothing is lost.
President Gordon B. Hinckley has asked all Church members to help with missionary work. He said, “I wish I could awaken in the heart of every man, woman, boy, and girl … the great consuming desire to share the gospel with others. If you do that you live better, you try to make your lives more exemplary [be better examples for others] because you know that those you teach will not believe unless you back up what you say by the goodness of your lives.”
When you try to live a better life and keep the commandments, a number of things happen. You show your willingness to obey the prophet’s counsel. You also show that you love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The Savior taught, "He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.”(John 14:21). You prepare to go to the temple and to serve a mission when you keep the commandments. You are exemplary, a wonderful example to others who watch you and who want to learn about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
During Harvest time, like the farmer who has worked in the field Missionaries serving a full-time mission can see the fruits of their labor. They like you have worked hard to choose the right. What is your harvest? Your friends and family members have noticed your good example and want to come to church with you. Your bishop is happy because you qualify for a recommend, if you are a baptized member of the Church, to go to a temple dedication. And Heavenly Father is pleased because you have shown your love by keeping His commandments. As you continue to keep the commandments, you shall continue to have many harvests.
Have a great week all.
Elder Wade Draper
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