Hello All,
Whats up? Well for me it is transferrs this week so all pray fiercely that I stay here in Virrey as I would LOVE to be here for both my baptisms and our "Talent/Road Show" that I have worked so hard on with others to ensure it goes off without a hitch. We are all so excited and the buzz around here can be heard for miles!! We have so many inactive members participating and the YOUTH HAVE JUST GONE NUTS, so yes I am feeling OVER THE TOP happy that I found a way to get things really rolling here in Virrey. So many here feel they have like a lifetime to hop on the Gospel Train and somedays it seems impossible to have them see the time is "At Hand" as the world just keeps spinning faster and faster and dodging what comes with that is getting harder and harder. I am truly greatful for the knowledge of My Savior and the Gospel in these times. My experiences as a Missionary has truly brought light to the gospel and my purpose.
We will have three baptisms as we just finished up the lsessons with them this past week and they are super excited to take "The Plunge" as ones referrs to. He is so funny I am as well super excited for him!
Despite ALL THE RAIN we had this past week it was an awesome one. Spent alot of time finding finding new folks in new places to spread the gospel in this Gianormus Area! We have found a new couple, Rita and Jose, and like many ade not married, so they cannot be baptized yet. Keyword is yet they are so special and we are just not giving up on them for as long as Iam here. I feel the love and excitement of gospel in their hearts, cutltures are sometimes a little harder to let go of but with prayer on both parts I am sure they will find their way ton the font. When we visit it feels like, I'm in Bama again in the projects, they just have some funny ghetto things going on.
Things are pretty CHILL here but I must admitt I cannot help but be a little nerovus about transfers! I had a really terrific interview with President it was amazing, I always leave a little taller Missionary when we are through and the spiritual drink is to die for, quinches my thirst everytime! However I did walk away with the impression ther will be alot of CHANGES this time and as always he did leave me laughing which is always a good sign "All Is Well" with Elder Draper. He was super exicted with the work in Virrey in conjunction with the Talent Show and the increase in attendance of non active members! He gave me many KUDOS for finding a way to "Jump Start" the youth and memebers there, I would not be suprised if he and wife aren't found on the backrow somewhere, I mean they know how to have fun in a good way!
We had a fantastic home evening with a family playing what I called "Picscriptionary" better know as Pictionary. When someone drew a picture of a story from the Book of Mormon or the Bible that person had to tell the story while their partner found the accompaning scriptures. Hello... I have became a scritpure "Genius", mom you were right (wink)!
Feeling a little too confident, I guess you could say bragging in Spanish, I was quickly humbled by loosing! Yep that Comp of my on the opposing team wasn't going to have that and perked up and started really getting into the game with his side of the team and they won! It was a blast but I made him pay the next day. LOL He has been instructed to learn English as he is from Mendoza Argentina and already speaks Spanish as a first language. So low and behold the next day guess what we started, yep English 101 and unlike in the pinch, there was no where to get away from me so that was the longest class/day of his life and has been going forward! HA Now he knows it's coming each day, as he has been putting it off forever, so he's slowing converting to a second language. Somedays are trying, but I am sure I can be too. I am very happy though with this week in his progress. PAT ON THE BACK #2 in this email, arms getting tired I will stop doing that now!
Tell Grams still looking for that letter or she won't be getting that 80th Birthday Card, not really it's on the way but probably won't make it on time(sorry). I will send her a shout out next week have HER AT THE NET, not her hairnet mom!
Please seriously have everyone pray daily I stay here, however it I must move on I know it is the Lord's will but it never hurts to "Wish Upon A Dream" right.
Wishing everyone heading to the MTC this week Best Of Luck!!!! For most of you the term "You Go Girl (Sisters')" has taken on a whole new meaning but this Elder is praying for
you all and knows you will never find another "Calling" that will replace your experiences or strengthen your Testimonyas more then your carry on you valiant (sweet warriors) and carry the gospel unto all!
I love you family and miss you but I will be coming in that front door before you know what hit ya soon!
Love Your,
Elder Wade Draper