Hey Fam! Here I am still in Ciudadela! Elder Wells and I are still together, I am actually really happy about that, cause Elder Wells is just the greatest
Well it's that time of the week again, the weekly letter from Elder Draper! yaa!!!
But a few sad things did happened during transfers though, Elder Slone who lives with us left and Elder Whitlock left Ramos as well. Slone called me last night, and I saw Whitlock today in the offices that was a great thing! We have now Elder Asay from Ogden, living with us! He is a super good guy! He has the same amount of time as me in the mission, and he is just a saint!
Some other cool transfer news, they made a new position for Sister Missionaries and its kind of like a Sister Zone Leader position. Hermana Andreason got assigned to be one, so that is super cool. Hermana Cahoon and Hermana Fernley from the MTC are comps again and that was super cool for them as well! Hermana Leavitt from the MTC was transferred as well.
Last week we changed our key indicators, I don't remember if I wrote about that last week, but yes. The Mission has changed them so that we can focus on having our investigators progressing, and to be working more with the members! Unfortunately Elder Wells and I had a little bit of a rough week with key indicator, but we got the oil changed, got some new gas in us, and this companionship is up and runn'n baby! haha
I'm also learning to cook a bunch of different
Argentine things to add to my "Cooks for Kooks" recipe book! Last week I made tuco, which is like the sauce they put on noodles and stuff! It didn't turn out like tuco... but it was still good nonetheless! It kind of turned out like chili, but it was super good so I guess I could rename it to chilituco right!
Yesterday was great mom and I hope that all the moms had an amazing mothers day we literally wouldn't be here without you, and then some.
I don't have any major plans today other then going to buy some delicioso milanesa, do laundry and rest sometimes, I am not sure if it's the hype or the exercise that drains me some weeks but for sure it's getting to be nice sleeping as the heat is past us and fall is here!!!!
Looks like the neighborhood behind us is all developed now and those houses are amazing. I can see with the new Outlet at the Point of the Mountain, Walmart in Cedar Hills and soon to be new high school in Lehi things have changed from the "Green Acres" I left behind. The yard looks great though and I cant wait to see Dad's garage once built.. Also can't wait to take that Jeep for spin!!!
Well another week started and I am excited to see where the adventures take us this week! I have to run for now and can't get any pics to you this week as the computer is not reading my camera, I mean really you should see these things , I am so convinced Fred Flintstone had better tech equipment, so Google the tuco if you wanna see what I am eating tonight, again! HAHA
I love you all, and oh mom, thanks for letting Brelynn hop on, it was so good to hear her laugh and catch up with all the Mish's etc. etc. sorry the time got away from us, but your the coolest for understanding! I love you so much always looing out for others first, but I am sorry again, there is no one like you out there and I will so make it up when I get home!!!!
Well I'm outta here and LOVE YOU ALL!!! Remember to keep it cute, or put it on mute!!!
Same time nest week!!
Chef Elder Wade Draper